More weekend progress, a need for design-work, and a call for nominations!

There was a lot of progress made over the weekend in getting the track ridable including the application of our first track surface patch! We’ll be continuing the work throughout the week, reach out to Mike at if you’re looking to stop by. In addition we have another formal work weekend coming up, check the volunteerspot page here for […]

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Weekend Work Success and Sunday Work-to-Ride.

Today our team of helpers came together to make solid progress with track repairs, securing the apron, getting more of the ramp assembled, etc.  We had a number of people come together to help us extinguish the grilled-foods as well, let’s not forget that. Not all work required laying on the ground but the shade under there was nice.  We also hosted […]

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Junior Mechanics program

In addition to getting the track ready and putting together our High School Track League we’ve been working on starting up our Junior Mechanics program. We’re still seeking our primary mentor but today we met with Blackstone Bicycle Works Experimental Station on an extern from their program. What a great program and a great group of folks. Lots of things to emulate for both […]

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