More weekend progress, a need for design-work, and a call for nominations!

IMG_2494There was a lot of progress made over the weekend in getting the track ridable including the application of our first track surface patch! We’ll be continuing the work throughout the week, reach out to Mike at if you’re looking to stop by. In addition we have another formal work weekend coming up, check the volunteerspot page here for the details:

Track Work Days

We had a great turnout for our open meeting on Sunday night, including some representatives from the area. Thanks much to Father Wolf, Karen Roothaan, and Demetrius Smith for attending. We’re looking to engage more with the community and we got a lot of great suggestions. One of the most common ones was a need for more print presence in the community and welcoming signage for the track location itself. If you’re someone with design skills looking to help, this could be a great opportunity to get involved. Speaking of which, open roles for the organization will be posted in the coming days and we’ll be taking nominations. Our intention is to vote in the new officers at the end of the month, so if you’re looking to step up and do more now is absolutely the time.