Meet Stephen Thordarson, our high school racing league coach

While Track repairs aren’t yet complete (please sign up for shifts this weekend) our High School League students will be going through orientation and starting to get the feel of things on the grounds starting tomorrow. We wanted to take this opportunity to introduce our coach for the program, who beginning Friday will be working with the students twice a week on skills, tactics, […]

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Opening day for the High School Track League Wednesday, 7/22

This Saturday we’re still looking for volunteers for our big track workday, but things are rolling and this Wednesday will mark the first official day of the High School Track League. Students from high schools across the Chicago area will meet the coach and start work on basic skills on the grounds at the velodrome. This year is a pilot for the […]

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BBQ for the Drome

Thank you everyone who braved the sunshine to visit or volunteer at the BBQ fundraiser today; we raised $271 after all expenses! Thanks for chipping in doubly volunteers! While we’re mentioning fundraising efforts- Chicago Bike Selling (Fixie, BMX,etc.) hosted an event a couple weeks ago and raised $150. Thanks! If you want to host, help arrange, or have a lead […]

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Our wish was granted

SCVA received our first grant yesterday! One of the leading local clubs (Evanston Bicycle Club) organizes the North Shore Century every Autumn and uses the proceeds to benefit local Not for Profit efforts. Possibly the most popular century in the area- this Sept 20th is the 25, 50, 62, 70 and 100 mile fun event. Thanks for your support, efforts and time […]

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We signed a lease

SCVA signed lease-to-purchase papers for the velodrome structure with V-Worldwide yesterday, Sunday 3 May 2015, and made the first payment! If there was any doubt about this happening- it’s time to change that mindset. This is a group effort and many people are contributing to the progress. Good things are happening. Thank you everyone! We have only paid the first $20K […]

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