Junior Mechanics program
In addition to getting the track ready and putting together our High School Track League we’ve been working on starting up our Junior Mechanics program. We’re still seeking our primary mentor but today we met with Blackstone Bicycle Works Experimental Station on an extern from their program. What a great program and a great group of folks. Lots of things to emulate for both our High School League and the Junior Mechanics as we put them into motion. You can see how pumped Mike and I are to be working with Brandon, hopefully we didn’t scare the poor guy off!
From what I gather not only is Brandon an ace mechanic but he’s hoping to get some time on the track himself. We’ll be happy to oblige once we’re up and running; which reminds me we’ve got our two big work days coming up this weekend. Check out the volunteerspot and sign up for a slot. Nice meeting you Brandon and looking forward to working with you more when the Junior Mechanics program kicks off in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more details!
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