Funds needed immediately
This year has been filled with a lot of barriers as we try to both save the track and build an organization that can sustain it into the future. Negotiations, licensing, repairs; all of these things have take longer and had more problems than anyone expected. We have monthly payments to make on the track and insurance that total more than seven thousand dollars a month, regardless of whether we’re able to hold events or not. Over the last few months a core group of volunteers have been trying to make progress, and for those of you who have showed up at the various events or work days, who have put your spare time into this effort we deeply appreciate all of the hard work you’ve done. Additionally, for those of you who have pledged dollars, sent checks, visited and spread the word about our GoFundMe site, you too are greatly appreciated. Unfortunately at the moment, it isn’t enough. If you’re someone who’s been watching our progress, who’s excited about the prospect of a track in the city or is interested in more opportunities for youth on the southeast side of the city, now is the time we need you to commit.
Currently we’re without the necessary dollars to pay our ongoing bills. We’ve paid for roughly a third of the track price, but without additional dollars we’re unable to continue. It is extremely likely that without additional support the organization will only last through this season, and that by next year we won’t have the opportunity to move forward with our plans. Take a moment and consider what you can give. Consider the value of a facility for learning, for community outreach, for building the next generation of track cyclists, but more than that for teaching mechanical skills, teamwork, and the value of persistence. Not to mention the incredible amount of fun that can be had on the track.
Currently we have 1300 supporters on Facebook. If everyone was able to give $100 we’d be able to both pay off the track and get programs in good shape for next year. We realize not everyone can give $100, that not everyone can even give $20. Some of you though can give considerably more, and for those of you who can’t give that much consider what you can. Even if everyone was able to give $5 it would put us in the black for another month and allow us to put together some larger fundraising efforts.